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  Session 1   |   Session 2   |   Session 3   |   Session 4   |   Session 5   |   Session 6  





A. How Other People Do It: Unlocking Our Implicit Biases Regarding Parenting Practices to Deepen Relations With Families

Amanda Holliday-Bembridge | 1 CD; 1 COM


Join expert leaders from Maryland State Department of Education Licensing Branch and discuss the common licensing non compliances and strategies to avoid them. Additionally, learn more about the regulation updates, new inspection surveys and discuss ways to strengthen customer service communication, as well as troubleshoot areas of licensing concern.


B. Restorative Communication: Helping Adults and Children Learn How to Navigate Conflict

Jennifer Moore | 2 PRO


Staff and students sometimes engage in difficult interactions among themselves and with one another. Having tools to discuss the undiscussable as well as knowing how to speak kindly and honestly are crucial to maintain the integrity of healthy relationships in a trauma-informed school community. By learning new strategies to navigate conflict in this workshop, participants will be able to use them with their colleagues and students. They will also be able to teach these strategies to students to help students communicate in healthy ways with their peers.


C. Start Healthy, Live Healthy and Stay Healthy with My Little World

Robert Gundling & Natii Wright  | 2 HSN


This highly interactive, innovative Session engages the participants in moving and learning as they are guided through the use of dynamic, culturally diverse songs designed to support the Family Child Care Educators and the children in their programs in their ability to combat childhood obesity and the development of related illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.  The participants will have the opportunity to learn how to implement the My Little World curriculum which is intentionally connected to the growth and development of the children.


D. Getting Paid in the Future – Portal, Policies, and Procedures

Shavon  Matthews, Twan Herold, Desiree Olivo, Andres Cordoba,&  Larae King-Day | 2 PRO


Join the experts and take a deep dive into the Childcare Scholarship Program with a lens for providers and parents. Engage in important discussion about this critical program.





SA. Preparate Para Preparar

Samir Garcia | 2 PRO


Seminario relacionado con la preparación de estados financieros, declaraciones de impuestos y otros.






E. Easy Ways to Improve Social Media Presence for Marketing Purposes Training 

Amanda Holliday-Bembridge | 2 PRO


In this training, participants will develop an understanding of the impact social media can have on their business and learn easy ways to leverage social media for marketing purposes. Participants will reflect on their current understanding and usage of social media, learn various social media platforms specific to intended outcomes/audiences, develop strategies to make managing and implementing social media easier, and create an implementation plan to use going forward.


F. Educator Well-Being:  A Tool for Recruitment and Retention

Jennifer Moore | 2 PRO


Staff retention and turnover are especially challenging now. Learn how you can lift up your current staff and attract new candidates by focusing on well-being! By learning about a framework, as well as lots of different tools, you will leave this session with lots of ideas about how your organization can become a magnet for healthy educators.


G. Guide to Self-Assessment: Using the Maryland EXCELS Standards to Guide Program Self-Assessment

L'Ornya Bowie & Ashley Hensley  | 2 PRO


In this training, participants will describe the differences between a self-assessment and a self-study, explore the Maryland EXCELS Self Assessment Tools, and receive guidance as to how to complete a Program Improvement Plan.


H. The Inherent Inclusiveness of Mixed Age Group Learning in Family Child Care Programs

Ellen Batkhan & Jennifer Gillespie | 2 SN


Family childcare programs stand out as nurturing environments that allow for individualized attention and tailored support due to their small group and mixed age setting. By blending children of various ages and abilities, these settings create a microcosm of society where diversity is celebrated, and differences are embraced. In our session, we will explore the proactive process and best practices of family childcare educators participating in the Family Child Care Alliance’s ASPIRE PreK program. ASPIRE educators receive instructional support from a designated coach while delivering high-quality, state-funded PreK to children who may fall into a variety of at-risk categories. Our session will include interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and real-life scenarios from educators who have children who may be experiencing unsettled housing, come from multilingual homes, fall within 300% of the poverty line, or have an IEPs/IFSP. Participants will leave with actionable strategies that they can integrate into their learning programs.




SB. La Educación Temprana: Un imperativo Socioeconómico

Nancy  Navarro | 2 COM


El acceso a cuidado infantil de calidad y asequible es el gran ecualizador. Prepara a nuestros niños para ingresar al kindergarten listos para aprender y ayuda a eliminar la brecha académica/de oportunidad. Es la forma más rentable de ayudar a preparar a nuestros niños para tener éxito en un entorno laboral global en constante cambio. Hablaremos sobre mi trayectoria como madre joven, proveedora de cuidado infantil familiar, defensora comunitaria y legisladora. También discutiremos cómo la política pública estratégica y cabildeo comunitario pueden ayudar a lograr estos objetivos, y cómo los proveedores de cuidado infantil están posicionados para ser catalizadores comunitarios en este esfuerzo.






I. Language and Literacy with Infants & Toddlers

Steve Rohde | 1 CD; 1 CUR


Language and literacy are important foundations for a child's success.  This workshop will share strategies to work with infants and toddlers as they begin to acquire language and understanding.


J. Moving Up to Quality Rating 3: How to Achieve Higher Ratings In Maryland EXCELS

Ashley Hensley & L'Ornya Bowie  | 2 PRO


Using the Maryland EXCELS Standards, participants will explore the requirements and benefits of increasing a program's Maryland EXCELS quality rating to quality rating 3.


K. Mirror, Mirror: Gaining Clarity in Teaching Through Reflective Practice

Sharon Hodges & Cheryl Booker Malcolm  | 1 CUR; 1 PRO


Grab a mirror and take a look!  Discover how using reflective practices will sharpen your instructional eye and enhance your classroom interactions. Embrace the power of self-(and collegial!) reflection in this hands-on, collaborative session!


L. All Children Together: Cozy Corners for Well being

Jennifer Jurch & Jordan Fouche | 1 CD & 1 SN


This interactive session will help participants connect cozy corners with healthy social and emotional development. Participants will learn how cozy corners support child development and positive environments. Each participant will assemble materials for a cozy corner kit to take home!




SC. Control del asma en unidades de cuidados infantiles

Luis Rolando Aguirre | 2 HSN


El taller del Programa de Asma consta de una sesión presencial de asma de 2 horas. El taller está diseñado para que los proveedores de cuidado infantil mejoren su conocimiento sobre los factores de riesgo asociados con el asma, reduzcan los desencadenantes del asma en su unidad de cuidado infantil, incorporen métodos de limpieza ecológicos para la limpieza de las instalaciones de cuidado infantil y utilicen el plan de acción para monitorear a un niño que padece de asma.






M. Legal Issues in Family Child Care

Kelley Singer & Megan O'Connor | 2 PRO


An overview of legal issues relating to family child care, possibly including what to do when a provider is shut down, a review of applicable regulations, liability reduction (mandated reporter status, medication administration, child pickup authorization, etc.), contracts with parents/guardians, business structure, liability insurance, tax issues, employee issues (background checks, taxes, etc.), the ADA (both for employees and children in care), etc.


N. You’ve Got a Friend in Me: Knowing Local Your Child Care Resource Center

Lacey Eidman & Karen Eisenhuth | 2 PRO


Discover how your local Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) can become your ultimate ally in the world of early childhood education. Join our workshop to learn how your local CCRC can provide crucial support, guidance, and inspiration for educators. From answering questions to offering a listening ear during stressful times, we'll explore how these resource centers can truly be your best friend in the classroom.


O. Make Learning Fun: Bring Your Curriculum to Life

Sheila Skinner | 2 CURR


As a result of this interactive workshop, educators will learn to enhance their knowledge of the developing child via the creation of dynamic curriculums. They will work to build on children’s confidence and critical thinking skills, encourage children to learn through play, and provide intentional support for children that will nurture individual skills toward the progression of the whole child. In an environment that is rich with diversity educators will use best-practices and hands-on, activities to encourage and enlighten childens development and growth. 


P. Calculating Your Time Space Percentage

Steve  Rohde | 2 PRO


Calculating your Time-Space Percentage correctly will have the biggest impact on reducing your taxes.  Many family child care providers, and some tax preparers, fail to take advantage of this unique IRS rule and, as a result, pay too much in taxes.




SD. Cómo recibir pagos en el futuro: portal, reglamentos y procedimientos

Andrés Córdoba Arroyo | 2 PRO


El taller repasará las políticas y procedimientos con respecto a la beca de cuidado infantil del Departamento de Educación del Estado de Maryland. Tendremos una descripción general del programa, que incluye los portales para padres y proveedores, facturas, pagos y mucho más.






Q. Guns & Superheroes – Best Practices or Teacher’s Choice?

Linda Bratcher | 2 CD


Sensory supports can have huge impacts on the way a child interacts with peers, providers and their environment. This Adults are often conflicted when the children in their care engage in play that involves guns and/or Superheroes. This workshop will provide evidence to support both sides of this debate and promote an open dialogue among educators who then can establish a plan of action for their classrooms.


R. Tuition Reflection and The Iron Triangle

Karen Eisenhuth, Kenia Almendarez, Michelle Giove, Jenae Bell, Laura Terrell, & Jackie Johnson | 2 PRO


The "Tuition Reflection and the Iron Triangle" training aims to equip family child care providers with essential financial management skills. The session begins with an exploration of the Iron Triangle concept, devised by Louise Stoney, focusing on the three critical metrics crucial for financial viability. Participants will then engage in reflective exercises to evaluate their tuition scales, ensuring they comprehend their break-even points and the necessary components for profitability. Through guided steps, providers will gain insights into setting sustainable tuition rates aligned with their operational costs, ultimately fostering financial stability and success.


S. The ROI of Risky Play

Patty Stine | 1 CURR; 1 HSN


Risky play – no way! No way? Keeping children “safe” doesn’t mean we should eliminate all risk from their play. This workshop will explore the benefits of risky play  for children and how caring adults can support risky play happening “as safe as necessary”.


T. The Value of Positive Guidance

Yvonne  Bell | 2 CD


Through the development of policies that support positive guidance in early childhood, participants will gain a greater understanding of the components of positive guidance and strategies for implementation.




SE. Cómo hacer que los contratos y las políticas funcionen para su cuidado infantil familiar

Maria Artola | 2 PRO


Los educadores aprenden la importancia de poner todo por escrito para que no haya malentendidos sobre lo que se espera del cuidado infantil brindado y lo que se espera de los padres. Esto ayuda a los proveedores de cuidado infantil a comprender el aspecto comercial del cuidado infantil y por qué es importante crear políticas que estén dispuestos a defender e implementar.






U. Teaching Strategies GOLD Documentation

Jenn Nicholls & Margie Ryan | 1 CD; 1 CURR


Learn how to document the Early Learning Standards using Teaching Strategies GOLD learning objectives.   Learn how to use the documentation to inform your lesson planning and to differentiate for all of your learners.


V. What To Do When You Don't Understand What A Child Said:  Tips from a Pediatric Speech Therapist

Kelly Goldberg | 1 CD; 1 SN


This training provides information on speech sound development from age 1-5 years old so you know what sounds a child should be saying and when.  Learn quick and easy strategies to support speech development and feel confident responding in ways that reduces frustrations when you have no idea what a child just said.


W. Eureka! Discovering the Importance of Heuristic Play for Infants and Toddlers

Linda Bratcher | 1 CD; 1 CUR


The goal of heuristic play is to provide a wide range of sensory stimulation to help children discover and learn things for themselves as they interact with everyday objects, rather than toys. This workshop will provide the benefits of heuristic play and ways this technique can be used in the classroom. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of heuristic play and its numerous benefits for child development. We will explore practical ways to incorporate heuristic play techniques into the classroom environment.


X.The Power of Child Care is Within You

Amina Jones Law | 2 PRO


This engaging session will discuss the impact Family Child Care Providers can make as business owners, leaders, influencers and change makers. Join us to understand how transformational leadership will empower you, your children, families and grow your business.




SF. Mejorar sus prácticas comerciales de cuidado infantil y prevenir contratiempos

David Moreno | 2 PRO


Este taller se centrará en garantizar que las guarderías cumplan con las últimas regulaciones de COMAR, evitar reveses legales con los padres y las oficinas regionales y mejorar las prácticas comerciales comunes.

Session 2
Session 1
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6

© MSFCCA 2022

Diseñado por Kristel Melendres

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